
My Visit on Sunday, September 9

I went to the early service at a moderately-sized county seat church today. I learned that the early at a moderated-sized county seat church is a small group of people. These are likely the golfers, the farmers and anyone else who believes in "getting church done early so I can do what I want to do for the rest of the day." Because of that, there weren't many who stayed long to chat over coffee once the final prayer was spoken, but they were a friendly group.

In the final moments of worship, the minister challenged us to "shake 12 hands before you leave today." I cold tell it was something he said every week. At first I thought, "Geez, 12?! That's a lot." But with everyone trying to do the same, it was actually kind of a nice thing. Because of that, I met several people -- not just the engraved-name-tag-wearing "official" greeters, but the regular mom and pops, too.

At one point in the service, they invited all the visitors to find the little visitor cards in the pockets on the back of the pew. Following instructions, I found one and it had the little sticker in the shape of a cross on it that I was supposed to wear. (Why do church's think visitors want to wear these things?!) The guy in front of me turned around and saw that I was looking at the card and he said, "Don't put the sticker on, it will leave a mark on your shirt for a long time." I appreciated his word of caution and I slid it back into the pew pocket relieved.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad someone told you about those damn visitor stickes. I think they're like the dunce cap of church.